Quilts and Cats of Calico – February 25th patch

Hello, Quilters and Cat Lovers!

We’re back with another patch, making itself cozy on Steam, GOG, Xbox, PS5 and Nintendo Switch.

Check out the patch notes below to learn what’s coming:

  • Seasonal content for the next few holidays has been added (stay tuned, a lot of good stuff coming)
  • Missing glyph for entering in-game menu while in campaign added
  • Improved navigation in the cat editor’s color picker
  • Cat ears are no longer clipping with a Winter Hat
  • Improved cat portraits in Cat Editor
  • Improved font for the Korean language
  • Fixed issues with tiles’ navigation after undoing a move
  • Removed edge case causing “Please Wait” pop-up to appear in the wrong places

Remember to update the game and stay tuned for future news!

PS. Sometimes some platforms (we’re looking at you, Nintendo Switch) need more time to process new updates, so if you don’t find it right after this announcement, check out your game tomorrow. The update should be there.

Have a great rest of the week!